Monday 18 July 2022

Spirit Guides

What are spirits?
Where do they come from?
Why do some seem to stay around? 
These are just a few questions in regard to the world of spirit.  If you believe that you have a soul, then you certainly believe in spirits.  Why? Because the spirit is simply the soul extended outside of the body.  Spirits come in many shapes and sizes just like the vast diversity of people around the world.  Some are leaders and some are followers, but they all are just as varied in personality as us.  When pursuing the spirit world, keep in mind that there are good and bad spirits just the same as there are good and bad people.  Always be aware of who you are dealing with, and be sure your motives are pure.  Although spirits cannot really physically harm us, they can have a heavy influence in our lives.  Do research before you proceed in any areas you are unfamiliar.
     Spirits communicate in various different fashions.  Some will communicate audibly, however this is not always the case.  Certain feelings are positive responses, and others are negative. Some spirits will communicate by sending thought-visions.  This is sometimes hard to decipher because someone who is just beginning, has a hard time filtering what are there own thoughts and which of those are of the spirit realm. Understand that once you come into contact with your spirit guide, you are in fact channeling.  You have opened your mind up enough to process different sources of energy. 
     Coming into contact with the spirit is, apparently not as hard as it seems.  All it takes is a willing nature and determination.  In the beginning, before we were born, we were given a life path from our creator.  That path can have many variations depending upon what choices we personally made.  We were all given the opportunity to choose friends and guides who would be there to help us along the way.  These guides are always there, whether we acknowledge them or not.  When you were younger you may have had an imaginary friend.  In all actuality this friend may not have been so imaginary.  Children are extremely open to receiving messages from the spirit realm.  In all actuality, they have just passed from that realm into this life very recently.
     When you are ready, the spirit realm will be opened up to you.  The first step is by coming into contact with your guide or guides.  When you are ready, sit down one day and have a talk with our creator.  Yes...Pray.  Ask that your spirit guides be made available to you, in order that you may make better choices, and that you may be able to better stay upon your path.  This may sound a little awkward, but you will not receive help without first asking.  Soon after you make your request, you will in fact be contacted.  Usually spirit guides work within the realm of dreams, so it may be a good idea to start writing down your dreams.  Once you become more open, you will be able to sense them in everyday life.  Pay attention to those dreams.  They will show you valuable life lessons, and eventually your dream world will become a second reality.  At first it may be hard to decipher which dreams are unimportant, and which are from the spirit realm.  However, your spirit guide will make readily apparent which dreams he or she may want you to remember.
     Using other methods to contact your spirit guides is also possible.  However, using such methods as ouija boards and scrying mirrors should be used with caution.  Don't attempt to use the objects until you are well versed in using them.  The information you receive from your spirit guide will be the only information necessary to help you on your path.  Although some will talk a little more openly with you, they are under contract by our creator not to interfere with our everyday life. 

Soul Growth
The evolution of the soul is a mysterious and glorious affair with life. The souls ultimate goal is and has always been to attain enlightenment. Enlightenment is a work in progress with different developmental stages influencing it. When a person understands the energies as well as the stages of growth they are experiencing they reunite with their souls aspirations and can manifest those aspirations through right thought and conduct.
We would like to discuss these developmental stages so a better understanding of the growth cycle can be acquired. At the present time on earth these cycles are speeding up and merging together eliminating time frames as you would normally perceive them. Some of you will experience this merging while others will live the time frame of the full allotted cycle. One is no better then another, for both awakens the realization of your divine self.
Between the ages of 1 and 14, the physical cycle of growth takes shape and becomes the dominant factor in ones life. It is during this stage of living that hereditary influences are revealed and the constitution of the physical body is known. Its health or ill health, physical strengths or handicaps, the individual's position in life and within the family unit, the span of life and type of circumstances pertaining to ones life are shown. The body is the budget of credits and debits, which have carried over from ones prior lives and relate to what one has to deal with in the present life. Most karmic health problems present themselves during this cycle.
When a person is in this cycle it would be helpful to create and maintain a healthy physical environment in which they can grow. Address issues of a karmic nature, shift the energies of ill health and encourage creative enterprises.
Between the ages of 14 and 21 the psychic cycle of growth appears within the life of the individual.  It is during this stage in ones life that feeling and desire takes hold. These feelings and desires are often the result of what one has desired, felt and done in past lives.  Emotional insecurity as well as psychic impressions forms during this stage of ones life cycle. Repeated dreams, nightmares, visions and emotional outbursts assert themselves during this stage of growth.
When a person is in this cycle care should be given to the emotional well being of the individual. Encouragement, support and respect on all levels and in all areas of the individuals life should be implemented.
Between the ages of 21 and 35 the mental cycle presents itself. Mental energy expresses itself as the thought patterns one has and how those thought patterns influence ones behavior. It represents the atmosphere associated with the mind of the individual and includes the mental character, attitudes, intellectual attainments and other mental endowments.
When a person is in this cycle attention should be given to the stimulation of thought and the encouragement of inspiring ideas.
Between the ages of 35 and 52, the spiritual cycle is awakened within ones life. Spiritual energy represents the amount or degree of self knowledge one has about themselves and the application of that knowledge. Spiritual growth is the result and the use of ones creative and generative force. It manifests as ones knowledge of humanity and human relations. The amount of self knowledge one has is shown by the degree of self control one expresses over their physical and emotional desires, as well as knowing what should be done for oneself and others. It activates intuition and brings forth enlightenment on any subject, idea, action or deed that the individual is engaged in.  Spiritual awakening is the sum total of the individual and works in conjunction with all others phases of growth. It accelerates understanding, acceptance, and compassion towards self and others.
When one has awakened their spiritual understanding fully, they have the ability and strength to use their awareness to clear any remaining debris within their being, to serve the universal plan and dissolve karmic energies within and around them.

At the present moment in time everyone on the planet is being given an opportunity to wake up from his or her spiritual amnesia and embrace the energy of unconditional love.
Humanity lives in a world governed by polarities. Some individuals believe that suffering is needed for soul growth and others do not. Whatever your belief system is it is important to realize that you are a creator.  Whatever you think you create. You become that creation. Spirit does not judge you, you judge yourself. When you choose to stand trial or put another on trial there can never be unity between all people. 
Planet Earth and her inhabitants are being faced with many challenges. Each challenge holds an opportunity.  It is important to find the opportunity that is being offered to mankind even though war may be on the horizon. Battles going on within, self express themselves outwardly and affect all life. If humanity chooses to honor their personal demons they feed fear.  Fear is the biggest terrorist of all. 
Some individuals fight for peace because they fear war, and what it will do to their lives, not necessarily because they truly honor peace.  By eliminating the terrorist that lives within, freedom reigns supreme and light overshadows the dark. 
Honoring peace starts with maintaining peace and non-judgment within self. When you take the time to discover what really motivates your thoughts, feelings and actions and then approach all situations from pure intention, balance on planet Earth can be restored. 
Humanity as a whole are doers. They believe that they must do things in order to find resolve. Anyone that wants to eliminate conflict should begin with them selves.  First acknowledge your personal fear and hold it in the light for several moments. Thank it for being a teacher to you, surrender your attachment to it and choose to let it go. 
If you see someone perform an unloving act, focus on the heart center of that individual and acknowledge their light before you react and try to bring that person to justice. Good lives within everyone. To love unconditionally means to recognize another’s light. Don’t send love to that person. Sending love is not the solution. If you view a situation as negative how can you honestly love it? Do not try to direct or control the light simply let go and let it flow.  

I came across these passages recently and I am not certain how I feel about them - I don't exactly find them 'disturbing', but whenever I feel that I am being preached to I do find my skeptical nature coming back to the fore. These passages are believed to have been passed through a psychic/medium directly from her own spirit guide.
They certainly gave me lots of room for thought!

Destiny Calls
Humanity often refers to destiny as inevitable. It represents the map of the soul for it is strongly linked to karma and choice. Presently the destiny of the world and its population is unfolding. This unfolding signifies a cycle of completion for earth and her inhabitants. This cycle occurs approximately every 50,000 years.
Many of you are aware of the changes taking place on earth as well as the changes taking place in your personal consciousness. Although the present cycle of completion brings with it an opportunity for joy and harmony it must be initiated into your world in such a way that it stabilizes itself.
Since thinking is the basic factor that shapes destiny you must begin to review your thinking process. Realize that the consciousness of every stone, every plant, every animal, every event, and every human that has ever taken place works together as one energy and creates the core of destiny.
Two main aspects of destiny influence every soul on the planet. These are known as personal destiny and collective destiny. Personal destiny correlates to the life pattern of an individual soul and collective destiny is associated with the race and nation to which the soul belongs.
Although destiny has a specific purpose in ones life, how it is experienced is left up to the choice of the individual. Before an individual enters the earth plane the soul decides upon the growth experiences necessary to meet the needs of its evolution. The original intent of destiny always remains the same, but the free will of a person allows those experiences to be expanded upon.
As you view the world you live in realize that destiny is at hand. The suffering of many in certain parts of the world today is directly linked to the collective karma of that area. Collective destiny is an accumulation of past thoughts, words, and deeds performed by a specific group of people.
The suffering within your private world is linked to a personal destiny. Personal destiny has to do with past and present choices you have made. It represents your relationship with yourself and the planet you live on.
Speaking of the planet, please don't forget that the opportunities offered to mankind today are also being offered to mother earth. It would be wise to feed her nourishment on a daily basis so she too can transform into the beautiful place that she was intended to be.
We would also like to suggest that if you want to be of service to others start focusing on the light that lives within each persons heart and stop focusing on the problems that surround them.
For a very long time destiny has held you prisoner. Now you have the opportunity to complete a cycle in your growth process and move towards freedom. For this to occur there must be a sincere willingness within each individual to cross the threshold of ones personality and relinquish all egos based desires. Ego based desires represent anything that is thought, felt, or done, that does not honor equality, for equality is the virtue needed to enforce universal love on our planet.
Universal love means to detach from preferences. When a person has a preference for one thing over another, they create categories to place them in. Categories divide the whole into segments. In the golden age that is now approaching, oneness will be the unifying factor not division and separation.
You must understand that when you first entered the earth realm you were spirit manifesting into form. Spirit taking form in the physical sense had never been done before so the outcome of this experiment was unknown. Your intention was to create with love. Everyone was given a free will to create. Equality was the common thread that bound you together.
Unfortunately as time passed people started becoming competitive with their creative powers and forgot their original intention. You did not want to lose your original intention but the density of the physical form continually created challenges for you to deal with. Eventually these challenges distracted your consciousness from your original purpose on earth and polarity was born. Polarity prompted desire and desire prompted a need to return to the purity of love. The stronger the desire the deeper you fell into the abyss. One must understand that desire is a product of the ego personality. It is an emotional frustration with an agenda. Frustration is not love.
Eventually this gave birth to individuality and the illusion of self identity. Self identity encouraged self needs and eventually overshadowed God's truth. This is turn manifested the power of preference, which reinforced the concepts of good, bad, right, and wrong.
Bound by polarity we began to experience limitation, restriction, and emotional bondage. When emotional bondage developed the need for reincarnation became apparent. The individual could not contain within its physical vehicle all the negativity that had been accumulated and eventually broke free from it through the death and birth process.
Presently you are being given the opportunity to recapture the light that you truly are. If you succeed, reincarnation will take on a different meaning for mankind. To accomplish this one must detach from their knowing and live for a time in the void of the unknowing. Living in the void reunites you with love and eliminates individual destiny. It would be wise not to get caught in all the information flooding the planet today. Too much mental input and not enough mental silence can prevent you from entering the void.
The void is a place where a person surrenders their self-centeredness and moves into God centeredness. It is a place where you detach from the biggest addiction you have, your knowledge. Each soul on the planet today is going through a transformational process. No one is excluded from this for everyone is equal in the eyes of spirit. If you believe that some people need to change their consciousness or wake up and get spiritual you are just feeding their amnesia.
It is important to understand that transformation means to let go of the self identity that you have held sacred for so long and worked so hard to attain. You must stand with humility and choose once again to honor the creative will of God. In this way the cycle of completion is stabilized on your planet and the purpose of destiny is accomplished. That purpose is and has always been the evolution of mankind's soul.
In service and friendship
The Council

The Call of Destiny
Questions and Answers

The following transcripts are believed to have taken place between psychic and spirit guide.
Please explain what you mean by "let go of the self identity that you have held sacred for so long and worked so hard to attain." I thought that knowing our identities, and ourselves past and present, was important?
Knowing yes, attachment no. We refer here to the emotional attachment that an individual has to their identity. Emotional attachment blocks the flow of "becoming."
How can a person eliminate preferences from their mind?
When you have a preference stop focusing on it. Remember energy follows thought.
What is the reason for pain and suffering?
Both remind you that this is not your truth. The more you are reminded the more you remember love.
What can be done to eliminate my tendency to compete with others?
Simply live your dream and stop chasing it.
How can I detach from my knowledge?
Take one thought and look at it from different angles. Stand back from it, beside it, behind it, in front of it and then walk into it joyfully.

Ascending History
Received on 11-12- 99
The rebirth of life that is now at hand is of cosmic proportions. Every part of the universe is being re-created to manifest God awakening. Mankind is the implement for this wonder to occur as well as the beneficiary of the gifts it bestows.
The new world being created will be ethereal light, not physical density, although the transformed being will be apparent in both domains and capable of functioning in both realms simultaneously.
It is imperative to remember that human history is being transformed. History must transform itself before an individual can transform his/her components, bones, atoms, molecules and so forth. This is because your history represents the totality of who you have become and how that "you" is living in the present moment.
As history dissolves fear passes away. The brain of man will no longer respond to historic memory. This will give everyone the ability to create with cosmic love. In the beginning of time this cosmic power was a known part of your creative expression and fortunately can be so again.
Many of you have reached a cycle of completion. Moving from the beginning to the end and returning back to the recreation point. Others will be arriving soon. No one will be excluded from this process. Superiority will be eliminated from your history for in the eyes of love, life is equal unto life.
Transformation of density into light occurs in waves. The first group of people to ride this wave are now on the upper rungs of the ladder and other groups are quickly following in their footsteps. As each group develops an understanding of cosmic law the threads of known reality can no longer govern you. True understanding gives you the authority to break free of karma and all its trappings.
Every thought you had, be it a second ago, a week ago, a year or a lifetime, is a component of your history. Eliminating history involves the removal of prior thought.
When one can empty the mind of the past, the cosmic power of unconditional love is present.  It would be helpful for everyone to start each day with joy. Joy in its new stage of birth, not the preconceived concept familiar to you.
Upon awakening say, "I am awake within the vibration of joy." Now get up and start your day. For the first 30 minutes of your morning repeat this statement until you have said it a total of 9 times. Nine is the number of completion and completion takes you back to the beginning connecting you with the creative power you were born with.
This statement does not need to be employed in a meditative way. Rather, it should be said while attending to mundane tasks. Taking out the trash, doing the dishes, eating your breakfast, getting ready for work and so on. You will find that if you are awake within the vibration of joy while you take out the trash your experience of this task will change. Being awake within joy changes your perspective, your attitude, your action, and your connection with life. Transformation of your history comes in small packages. Unwrap this package and achievement of your goals are attained.
In service and friendship
The Council

Ascending History
Questions and Answers
What will the transformed body of man be like? Will it still have density and form?
There will be form and density to a lesser degree than what is presently known. The light of your auric field will move back inside the body where it originated. This is known as the light within.
Will there still be a physical earth once this transformation has taken place?
Absolutely. The earth is a living entity and will continue to thrive in the presence of grace.
How does history transform itself?
By detaching from past memory and returning to love.

Sunday 5 June 2022

What is in a Colour?


Favourite Colour Personality Test


You're the Lover.

You're passionate and sensual with a volatile personality. You like to be noticed. You're spontaneous, and sometimes you have incredible energy. Your interests are many and varied. You like to learn new things. You're occasionally extreme in your viewpoint or lifestyle. Your will-power is amazing, and you are able to accomplish what would be impossible for others. You know how to stay focused when you
have a goal in mind.

When it comes to romance, you sizzle......


You're the Philosopher.

You're always searching for answers, ideas, or methods and you concentrate deeply. You're creative and original. You have an ability to overcome great obstacles that would stop others. If you stay focused, you're amazingly productive. You're easy-going and enjoy the finer things in life. You have an appreciation for fine arts. You avoid confrontations when possible. You prefer peace to conflict. You have a cheery disposition, and you're optimistic.

In romance, you like to experiment......


You're the Peacemaker.

You strive to make others happy. You're quiet, caring, intelligent, and eternally youthful. You're looking for bliss and kindness. You truly love everyone, and you always try to see the best in everyone, even finding explanations for other's faults. You are, by all definitions, a great friend and life mate. You're very thoughtful and romantic. Though others may think your productivity is below standard, in fact, you're hard-working. You just like to study problems thoroughly before you act. You never like to move into anything too quickly.

When it comes to romance, you're a tease......


You're the Spiritualist.

You're on a quest to do better, and become a better person. Though you sometimes get lost to material things, you look for spiritual connections in everything. You live a spontaneous life and have much energy. You believe there are no boundaries to what you can accomplish, and that belief takes you far. And indeed, you're a unique individual with unusual, though sophisticated, taste. Appreciating natural beauty, you enjoy being outdoors. You know how to relax, and you're comfortable with being yourself. Normally, you work well with others, not only because you're relaxed and self-assured, but also because you're giving of yourself and ask for little in return.

You often keep your romantic side hidden.....

You're the Naturalist.

You have a great appreciation for nature and for all life, and you would be comfortable living in conditions that others would rue. You're all for peace. You hate conflict, and you try to avoid arguments. As a result, you may have a lot of inner tension which makes you moody. You also have a tendency to be secretive, and you feel that there's a place inside you which others can't touch. You like to erect barriers in order to protect yourself and your hidden emotions. You're uncomfortable when anyone tugs at this private part of your soul. You have an eye for detail, and you see that which others would miss. This ability makes you good at problem solving. Black can also indicate submission, a desire to be led rather than to lead.

In romance, black indicates submission.....


You're the Healer.

You like to take care of others and cure all woes. You feel best about yourself when you're contributing something to someone's life or aiding someone who needs you. You're easy-going and laid back, enjoying all life has to offer. Yet, you have the ability to accomplish much in life.
You adhere to your beliefs and have a high sense of morality. You appreciate freshness and originality, which is why your fascination with the fine arts is endless.
In romance, you're often the nurturer.....


You're the Adventurer.

You like to try new things and explore. You learn best by doing. You prefer a job that involves the outdoors. You hate being indoors, and long walks in the woods revives your spirit. You have an endless appreciation for your environment and animals, and you're ever on a quest to be more in touch with nature. You're outgoing and friendly to everyone you meet, though you can quickly become a tiger if provoked. Helpful and caring, you're a good friend--though opinionated at times. You're always looking out for the underdog, ready to lend your assistance.

You're a good lover, highly passionate and willing to experiment....


You're the Traditionalist.

You aren't into fads or styles. You're comfortable with who you are and your current belief system. You could be called a "well-rounded" person, as you're solid and reliable. You're like nature and the outdoors, and you prefer a peaceful environment. You'd prefer a vacation to a quiet cabin in the woods rather than Vegas. You're conservative, and you have a high sense of tradition. You like things to be orderly and well-organized. To others, you're warm and sensitive.

You dislike the bizarre, and prefer good old-fashioned romance....


You're the Appraiser.

You're constantly examining life and every situation for meaning. You're creative, easy-going, gentle, and self-assured. You don't feel that you need to prove anything to the world. You like to do things in an original way. Though you may appear to be too focused on yourself, that's far from the truth. In reality, you're a caring person, a loyal friend, and you work well with others. You favor a peaceful and calm environment. Sometimes you're indecisive.

In romance, you're open-minded and willing to experiment....



You're the Idealist.

You favor tranquility and peace. You like to relax and appreciate all life has to offer; however, you like things to be in order. More than likely, your home, is carefully organized. You're uncomfortable about your deepest emotions, and you try to hide them. Often you avoid decision-making until necessary. Even then, you'll always question the decision you made and wonder if another course would have been better. You have much will-power and a high possibility of reaching your goals as a result. You are capable of persisting against all odds when you're determined to reach a goal. You're loyalty to any project is endless.

And regarding romance, you're affectionate and sensitive.....


You're the Purist

You feel that you're pure and innocent no matter what you do, and you look at others critically--though that's not outwardly apparent to the person being observed. You're dedicated to your beliefs, but you don't like to discuss them with others. You probably think that you're serving some higher purpose in life. You detest anything that you feel is unclean. As a result, you favor organization and your house could probably pass the white glove test. At first you appear shy, but, in reality, you're outspoken. You're merely observing your environment and the people around you,
before you make your thoughts known.
In romance, you prefer tradition, and it takes a long time before you're
comfortable with someone....

"Color Test," written and designed by Bobette Bryan, 2001

Saturday 4 June 2022



As well as having a physical presence, your body has a spiritual energy field or aura. This aura contains seven power points, known as Chakras, which correspond to different colours. There are differences of opinion as to the correct colours, but the most commonly agreed ones are:

In doing any kind of psychic work, your level of success can be greatly enhanced by opening these chakra points as they will increase your psychic vibration. This will make it easier to communicate with spirits and to develop psychic ability, just like tuning into a radio to improve reception. It's very important to ground yourself when doing any psychic work. As in learning to open these power points, it is just as important to close them down after working with them.
The chakra points may become open at any time. For example, if you are intrigued by someone, the yellow solar plexus, in the stomach, opens and comes back with information about them. It is very useful for gathering psychic information about someone. How many times have you had a 'GUT FEELING' about someone? Similarly, the heart chakra opens up when you are filled with love for someone or something. You don't need to close these down in real life, it is only when working on psychic matters that you need to close them down properly otherwise you become vulnerable.
It is possible to have these points open all the time, but it's likely that you'll turn into a psychic sponge, picking up information about everybody around you. This can be a problem if everyone around you is feeling down or depressed, or you find yourself in the presence of people with negative energy. You could find yourself feeling tired and drained. A term for this is 'psychic attack' but this most commonly happens when someone is sending you negativity in the way they think of you, through jealousy or misunderstandings. If you protect your chakras by keeping them closed, you won't be so affected. Looking after your chakras is basic psychic health in the same way that you may look after your body by eating the right kind of food and exercising regularly.

Opening your Chakra's

Sit in an upright chair, with your feet placed flat on the floor and your eyes closed. For the best results, choose a time when you are not likely to be interrupted. You might consider unplugging the phone. Concentrate on your breathing, making sure it's gentle and regular, and that you are in the most relaxed state you can be. Ground yourself by imagining roots from your feet down through the foundations and into the earth below. Think of an anchor, holding you, grounding you.

As you breathe feel the earths energy rising up through the roots. You can see this as a colour  or light, if you like.  Feel it coming up through your feet, up your legs to the base chakra, feeling that bright red energy open up before you, like a flower blooming.

Pull the energy up to the sacral chakra, which you should see opening up before you as an orange colour in the same way.

Breathe the energy up again to the solar plexus, which is a bright yellow energy glowing in the centre of your chest.

Send the energy up to your heart chakra, which is a green energy.

Breathe the energy up again to the throat chakra, which is a turquoise blue.

Breathe the energy up again to your third eye, just above the bridge of your nose, and see the eye open with a beautiful violet colour.

Breathe the energy up again to connect with the crown chakra in a display of bright white energy. This is connecting to the spirit world, which surrounds you.

Take a moment to sit in that energy
 Your Own Energy

Friday 3 June 2022

Crystal Healing

Crystal Light

For me Crystals play an important role in my life. I use them everyday and can feel their energy. I love the way the sunlight shines through them. I love the peaceful sound they make in the wind.

I wear a Chakra Bracelet to harmonize all points in my body.
I wear  Amethyst and Jade Bracelets to help with my bones and well being.
I recently began to wear a hematite Bracelet because this helps with the blood.
I use an Amethyst divination Crystal to help me with my meditations - this I find very helpful - the force of this is amazing!

My Rose Quartz crystal helps with my emotional wellbeing and enhances my dreams!

I recommend, for anyone wanting to look deeper into the Spiritual world, that they purchase a divination Crystal for themselves. 
A Clear Quartz would be ideal for a 1st pendulum.

Hematite can be called a "stone for the mind". It helps one to "sort out" things in ones mind, and can be used for mental attunement, memory enhancement, original thinking, and technical knowledge. It assists one on mathematical pursuits and in the development of both mental and manual dexterity.
It can be used in the treatment of leg cramps, blood disorders {such as anemia}, nervous disorders, and insomnia. It can also be used to assist spinal alignment and in the proper healing of breaks and fractures; placing a piece of hematite on the base of the spine, on the area of misalignment, and on the top of the spine, has provided adjustment to the vertebrae.

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