As well as having a physical presence, your body has a spiritual energy field or aura. This aura contains seven power points, known as Chakras, which correspond to different colours. There are differences of opinion as to the correct colours, but the most commonly agreed ones are: In doing any kind of psychic work, your level of success can be greatly enhanced by opening these chakra points as they will increase your psychic vibration. This will make it easier to communicate with spirits and to develop psychic ability, just like tuning into a radio to improve reception. It's very important to ground yourself when doing any psychic work. As in learning to open these power points, it is just as important to close them down after working with them. The chakra points may become open at any time. For example, if you are intrigued by someone, the yellow solar plexus, in the stomach, opens and comes back with information about them. It is very useful for gathering psychic information about someone. How many times have you had a 'GUT FEELING' about someone? Similarly, the heart chakra opens up when you are filled with love for someone or something. You don't need to close these down in real life, it is only when working on psychic matters that you need to close them down properly otherwise you become vulnerable. It is possible to have these points open all the time, but it's likely that you'll turn into a psychic sponge, picking up information about everybody around you. This can be a problem if everyone around you is feeling down or depressed, or you find yourself in the presence of people with negative energy. You could find yourself feeling tired and drained. A term for this is 'psychic attack' but this most commonly happens when someone is sending you negativity in the way they think of you, through jealousy or misunderstandings. If you protect your chakras by keeping them closed, you won't be so affected. Looking after your chakras is basic psychic health in the same way that you may look after your body by eating the right kind of food and exercising regularly. |
Opening your Chakra's
Sit in an upright chair, with your feet placed flat on the floor and your eyes closed. For the best results, choose a time when you are not likely to be interrupted. You might consider unplugging the phone. Concentrate on your breathing, making sure it's gentle and regular, and that you are in the most relaxed state you can be. Ground yourself by imagining roots from your feet down through the foundations and into the earth below. Think of an anchor, holding you, grounding you.
Pull the energy up to the sacral chakra, which you should see opening up before you as an orange colour in the same way.
Breathe the energy up again to the solar plexus, which is a bright yellow energy glowing in the centre of your chest.
Send the energy up to your heart chakra, which is a green energy.
Breathe the energy up again to the throat chakra, which is a turquoise blue.
Breathe the energy up again to your third eye, just above the bridge of your nose, and see the eye open with a beautiful violet colour.
Breathe the energy up again to connect with the crown chakra in a display of bright white energy. This is connecting to the spirit world, which surrounds you.
Take a moment to sit in that energy
Your Own Energy
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